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  • Placement Drive Open: Recruit top talent from MBA (FABM) 2023-25 batch at ISAB. Connect with future leaders in food and agribusiness management today!

Promoter's message

Agriculture plays a vital role in India's economy. More than 50% of the households depend on agriculture as their principal means of livelihood. Agriculture, along with horticulture, poultry, fisheries and forestry, is one of the largest contributors to the national GDP.

It is imperative therefore that the management of farm economies is done for achieving the multiple tasks the sector is expected to perform. I am delighted that you are considering Imperial School of Agribusiness as a means to fulfill your role in the nation building process through its outstanding agribusiness management program.

Today is an era of precision farming, disruptive technologies and digital agriculture. In this era of challenging market and technological environment, learning of advanced management concepts becomes a critical success factor. ISAB through its unique program, industry partnerships and innovative approaches is delivering the value, helping graduates of agriculture and allied sciences to pursue agribusiness education and be part of the exciting opportunities that the agribusiness sector has thrown open. ISAB stands for commitment to excellence, and a spirit of creative independence.

I am sure you will find ISAB to be an institution in its prime vigorous, vocal, and worthy of the acclaim it has already earned in the food and agri industry and among the educational institutions. To introduce you to ISAB, is to acquaint you with a group of people who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

On behalf of the faculty and administration, I wish to congratulate you on being part of an exciting journey and wish you the best as you determine your goal for the future.

ACP 2025 Enquire Now

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